Nestled in the City Park West neighborhood of Denver, the Gilpin Trio was a city infill project, starting on a corner lot and working its way inward. Gilpin 2 was a custom build that was sold as a Spec home mid-construction. This home's lower ceiling heights inspired a lighter color palette throughout, focusing on mixing in some unexpected patterns and textures throughout for interest and warmth. Metal accents of black, graphite, and brass added variety throughout the entire home.
Denver, CO
Spec Build
March 2021
Architect: Lucid Studio, LLC
Builder: Lucid Studio, LLC
We are known for our design-centric construction expertise. We believe meaningful design exists at the intersection of science and art, so we serve as your liaison between idea and execution.
Whether building new or remodeling, we create authentic living environments.
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We are more than interior designers; we are client advocates and project directors who value collaboration with industry partners from Day One.